Friday, February 26, 2016

Week 5- Discussing A Horse and His Boy

We had a great discussion of a Horse and his boy.  Lewis used Mercury as the theme for this chronicle.  This theme is worked into the story with references to swiftness, messages, directions, communication, language, adjectives, twins, and even a reference to a hat with wings on the side.  Everyone did a great job picking out the references. 

We realized a connection with the references to Turkey - Alsan is Turkish for lion, Turkish delight, and Tashbaan in Calorman being a fictional representation of Constantinople, Turkey.  

I asked if they knew anything about the Ottoman Empire and everyone burst out laughing before I could say, "not counting Studio C."  I explained that the empire was a real thing and that it lasted for about 800 yrs and ended with WWI.  England and France divided up the Middle East in what is called the Skyes-Picot agreement.  It is this agreement that has ISIS/ISIL up in arms because they want a united empire again.  I briefly mentioned how the whole contest for land started with Arbrahm's sons, Isaac and Ishmael.

Next week we will discuss the Christian themes in the story. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Week 4 The Rocks, Minerals and Gems of Narnia's Underworld

 We studied rocks, minerals, and gems in the spirit of the land of Bism in the deep underworld of Narnia.

I gave a basic lesson on how rocks are formed and categorized. We pulled out the magnifying glasses, flashlights, and rock specimens and had some fun looking at rocks, minerals and semi precious jewelry.

We are discussing The Horse and His Boy next week!  The planet associated with it is Mercury.  Look for references to messages, "swift of foot", language, and directions.  This is my favorite book of the series, so I am really excited to discuss it.  :D

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 2 and 3

For week 2 we discussed the Christian themes in the Silver Chair and had a great discussion.  We then did a blind obstacle course in the spirit of when the children and Puddleglum fell down into the Underworld and couldn't see. 

Week 3 we reviewed what Joseph Campbell's hero journey is and mapped out the journey for Jill.  We had a little more discussion and then played cock-shies.  We took turns using people as targets for balls of various sizes and stacked cups up to hit them with marbles. Good fun. 

We will discuss The Horse and His Boy in 2 weeks!  It is my favorite chronicle, so I am pretty excited to discuss it.  :D